Kids Ministry At Home
Due to current events with COVID-19, we are taking precautions to protect the safety of our kids and adults that attend OCC. Wednesday night classes and Share-A-Meal will be cancelled for the next 2 weeks. As of now, we plan to resume April 1st. Your kids may not be able to come to church, but we are encouraging parents to step forward and be the spiritual leaders for your kiddos during this time. Resources will be provided on this page, for preschool - 12th grade, so that you can walk your kids through a Bible lesson at home.
Preschool - Kindergarten:
Peter Walks on Water
Start with this activity:
Sink or Float
Fill a bucket, sink, or bathtub with water. Collect items to place in the water, some that will float and some that will sink. Before you or your child places the item in the water, have them vote whether they think it will float or sink.
Can you float on water?
What about walk on water? Why or why not?
Today we will learn about when Jesus and one of His disciples, Peter walked on water.
Go to this lesson by Crossroad Kids Club. This link will take you to a video, questions, and a coloring page.
Start with this activity:
Sink or Float
Fill a bucket, sink, or bathtub with water. Collect items to place in the water, some that will float and some that will sink. Before you or your child places the item in the water, have them vote whether they think it will float or sink.
Can you float on water?
What about walk on water? Why or why not?
Today we will learn about when Jesus and one of His disciples, Peter walked on water.
Go to this lesson by Crossroad Kids Club. This link will take you to a video, questions, and a coloring page.
1st - 5th Grade:
Peter Walks on Water
Start with this activity:
Sink or Float
Fill a bucket, sink, or bathtub with water. Collect items to place in the water, some that will float and some that will sink. Before you or your child places the item in the water, have them vote whether they think it will float or sink.
Can you float on water?
What about walk on water? Why or why not?
Today we will learn about when Jesus and one of His disciples, Peter walked on water.
Go to this lesson by Crossroad Kids Club. This link will take you to a video, questions, and a coloring page.
Practice the Books of the Bible: 1st-5th grade classes have been learning the books of the Bible. Help them practice the first 27 with their hand motions from the file below.
Start with this activity:
Sink or Float
Fill a bucket, sink, or bathtub with water. Collect items to place in the water, some that will float and some that will sink. Before you or your child places the item in the water, have them vote whether they think it will float or sink.
Can you float on water?
What about walk on water? Why or why not?
Today we will learn about when Jesus and one of His disciples, Peter walked on water.
Go to this lesson by Crossroad Kids Club. This link will take you to a video, questions, and a coloring page.
Practice the Books of the Bible: 1st-5th grade classes have been learning the books of the Bible. Help them practice the first 27 with their hand motions from the file below.

hand_motions.pdf |
Middle School & High School:
Peter Walks on Water
This file contains a printable form and a space to answer all the questions below.
This file contains a printable form and a space to answer all the questions below.

ms__hs_peter_walks_on_water.docx |
Read Matthew 14: 22-33
Jesus is always ready to pull you out of the water when you start to sink, you just need to ask. He is always right there even when He feels far away.
- Why did Jesus tell His disciples go to the other side of the lake without Him? What did He do when they left?
- When the disciple first saw something out on the water, what did they think it was?
- When did Peter begin to sink?
- Read Matthew 4:18-20. Peter dropped everything to follow Jesus. What have you “dropped” to follow Jesus?
- Does it ever feel like Jesus is not close? Does He feel close right now?
- What is your “storm” right now? Or what has been a “storm” in the past?
- “As long as Peter was staring at the problem/the storm and not at Jesus, the storm was only going to drag him down.” “When we focus on our problem, rather that Him, the storm overtakes us.” How can you keep your eyes on Jesus even in the midst of a storm?
Jesus is always ready to pull you out of the water when you start to sink, you just need to ask. He is always right there even when He feels far away.